Tuesday, October 03, 2006


Family..what does that mean to one? i always thought i had a family, but as time goes by, its slowly fading away. I can't remember the last time we were a family. Everyday, we pass each other with a hi and bye, almost strangers. The only time we actually talk is when something needs to be done. Money is given to us to keep us quiet and happy, but is that enough? I'm tired and disgusted on how things are going in this place called "home". Indeed, home is a place where one feels the safest, but for me its where i feel the most vulnerable. Can't say i'm exactly proud of my family now. My parents don't seem to care as much. Apparently, "work" is much more important and their "business partners" come before their children when in need of their attention. We haven't eaten a home cook meal in months. It has been takeouts every single day. "I'm too tired to cook", "Stop your complaining","It's better than nothing"Lies lies lies. They don't know it yet, but they are affecting their children in a negative way. Maybe not for me since i'm already quite mature and independent, but as for my siblings, tough luck for them. Example, my sisters gets away with almost bad deed they commit. Close an eye my parents would usually do. I'm just tired of hearing the same excuses. They are just one phone call away from trouble and never seeing their kids again.
Apparently, I'm still too "young" to understand whats going on and the pressure they are going through. Well, light me a cigarette as well pop, cause you don't know the pressure you're giving us as well. I can rightfully say it's your fault. If you go down, so will the rest of us. If that happens, i hope you can live with it.

People, if you guys get a chance, listen to this song "woke up new by the mountain goats". Can rightfully say this song kept me sane throughout the day.
Location: Singapore
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