Sunday, December 24, 2006

christmas it seems..

dear santa,
i have been a good boy, or at least i think i have been, this whole year and since being nice is a requirement for you, i think i deserve some presents. here's a list of presents which i want:

1. answers for all the assignments, tests and projects left to be completed in my poly life.

2. playstation 3

3. more moolah so i can buy out topman!

4. another pair of skinny jeans.

5. more laughter and love this coming year

6. i know i won't get it so i'm writing it again, answers for all the assignments, tests and projects left to be completed in my poly life.

so i hope you get to read this santa, because i am a good boy and rightfully so, i deserve them presents, so grant me presents upon my wake tomorrow. peace out and have a nice day.

signed sincerely,

anyway, merry christmukkah to all and have a great new year!
well, christmas ain't really that merry and all to me, so i guess its just christmakkah to all and have...ahh you know the rest.
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