Wednesday, January 31, 2007

out with the old, in with the new.

so i didnt go to school today, cause i'm sure many of you saw me sneezing my nose off. i hate getting a cold because when i get one, its usually damn bad. had a fever last night as well. so yeah decided not to go. anyway i already bought it so thanks guys and girls for the help. anyway, my parents bought a new car! so yeah not too bad..spacious, but i dont think i'll be allowed to drive that and i don't wanna be seen driving it as well cause it's one of those family space no way to driving that. erm i also got a new handphone! about damn 6233: music edition. nice looking 3G phone which i think is better that the 5300 which i wanted to get. so phone and car. anyway, lj's in my house now and we're gonna start on some work now..soooo bye.
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