so i just came back from ryan's are as followed..
went to amk central to walk around with safy. ate at macdonalds then proceeded to the new and improved NTUC Xtra! which sadly did not live up to the was basically like a giant store, which is name NTUC XTRA! anyway went out of there and we each bought striped long sleeve shirts..met up with jonny then we proceeded to ryan's house via cab. reached there early and there was already a couple of people there. played some ps2 then went to eat dinner which consisted of turkey,ham and beef..walked to 7-11 with jonny and my baby cause jonny wanted cigarettes..and he needed me to alright, went to buy. reached back then more people came..hang out with kristian, his friend and jonny most of the time. had some good laughs with them..AND I SWEAR BAILEY'S IRISH CREAM IS TERROR! BEST FUCKING DRINK EVER..just mix it with some milk and its done..i must have drank like 5-6 cups of it and i didn't get drunk! anyway, the idol's came, which consisted of paul twohill, gayle, jasmine and jouquim? paul owes me a game at bloody roar and apparently gayle and safy are now good friends..haha which is kinda good, cause gayle is a and jonny were like all eyes on yeah, gayle was suppose to cab back with us but she decided to stay on in the end, much to the dismay of me and jonny..haha well jonny,safy and i cabbed back and on the way to jonny's home, he found out he left his wallet he's back there now trying to search for his wallet..hope he finds it..but anyway it was a fun party, looking forward to another soon! as for now..some fatal frame bitches..hmmm camera obscura.
went to amk central to walk around with safy. ate at macdonalds then proceeded to the new and improved NTUC Xtra! which sadly did not live up to the was basically like a giant store, which is name NTUC XTRA! anyway went out of there and we each bought striped long sleeve shirts..met up with jonny then we proceeded to ryan's house via cab. reached there early and there was already a couple of people there. played some ps2 then went to eat dinner which consisted of turkey,ham and beef..walked to 7-11 with jonny and my baby cause jonny wanted cigarettes..and he needed me to alright, went to buy. reached back then more people came..hang out with kristian, his friend and jonny most of the time. had some good laughs with them..AND I SWEAR BAILEY'S IRISH CREAM IS TERROR! BEST FUCKING DRINK EVER..just mix it with some milk and its done..i must have drank like 5-6 cups of it and i didn't get drunk! anyway, the idol's came, which consisted of paul twohill, gayle, jasmine and jouquim? paul owes me a game at bloody roar and apparently gayle and safy are now good friends..haha which is kinda good, cause gayle is a and jonny were like all eyes on yeah, gayle was suppose to cab back with us but she decided to stay on in the end, much to the dismay of me and jonny..haha well jonny,safy and i cabbed back and on the way to jonny's home, he found out he left his wallet he's back there now trying to search for his wallet..hope he finds it..but anyway it was a fun party, looking forward to another soon! as for now..some fatal frame bitches..hmmm camera obscura.
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