Saturday, January 13, 2007


sure is easy and convenient to blame someone who's kinda like the scapegoat in this family.. i hate being at home. i think i rather be in school. home is just not home. now my mom wants me to apologize to my dad..WTF i did not do anything wrong? so i gotta apologize for not knowing how to fix the internet. she said i must show respect, which i clearly did and i said he was the one that did not respect me and guess what she said..she clearly said this, " we are you parents why must we respect you?" WTFAYHFAFAOUFIAOFYAEHFOYOQROH.. i always thought respect was like a two way thing.. they said i'm becoming worst as a person when its clearly them so fuck them.. their the one setting a bad example not me..fucking hate them now. seriously, hope they both die of cancer from the many cigarettes which they smoke. i really feel like spiting them..i just can't fucking stand it seriously, i am blamed for everything that goes wrong in this god forsaken house. life seriously is not good. school work ain't good, neither are things at home.. by the way, i think they're gonna stop giving me i dunno what i'm gonna way in hell i'm gonna apologize cause i did nothing wrong..sigh advice people..what do i need to do? whats the right action to be taken? i usually have answers for most things..but i'm stumped at some help would be nice right about now.
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