Friday, January 12, 2007

all the right things for the wrong reasons.

so basically, i found out i am indeed in the wrong course because i realised that the reason why my dad wanted me to enter this course is to help him fix the computer or wireless network at home when its not working. but apparently he didn't know that IND does not really dwell into these areas, so in your face bitch.

anyway he gets pissed at me for having internet connection on my lap top this morning when i was doing cmsk3. so what does he do? he cuts out my internet connection and only will give me back connection when i fix the rest of the computers, which unfortunately i do not know how. so this resulted into shouting and him not paying for my license, all this for not being able to fix the router and internet connection. if i knew how to, i would, but i'm tired of being his lacky because i do not want anything to do with helping him in his "work" so whatever alright, do what you want..cause i'm never ever helping you ever again. and for the record, the problem cant be fixed because you failed to call starhub or linksys when the internet connection fluctuates each night. i've have told him several times that there's something wrong with the router but you always fail to take action you s.o.b. so fuck you cause its your fault and not mine.

he's a selfish bastard who cares for no one but himself and his stupid fucked up work..he wanted me to join IND for him and not for myself..he's a monster and apparently he's making my mom one as well. home is no longer safe, run to the nearest shelter..screaming, riots, helter skelter..home is no longer safe.
Location: Singapore
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