Saturday, February 10, 2007

revenge on zel it seems.

so here are the highlights on my DTAT survey:

Question 26

Did you have any difficulty with the topics presented and if so, why were they difficult?(Type 'NIL' if none.)

yes i did have difficulties, and i'm speaking on behalf for my class, which i am certain most of them agree with me. the lecturer poorly organised her lessons. she would often give unhelpful criticism, does not give up proper instructions and does not spread her time equally among all the students in class. she would often spend a good half and hour or so on 1 student and thus, the rest of the class would have to wait to get her attention. at times she would brush off students who are desperately in need of her help. example? a make up lesson was made on friday, but the lecturer used that 2 hours to help only 1/4 of the class and in the end the rest of the 3/4 of the class did not get their work looked at and ideas were not approved because of that. so please don't blame us for our work next week. she also did not brief us on how the presentation next week, like what is suppose to be done and what the lecturers expect from it. furthermore, she would help some students to do their work instead of teaching them and demostratings certain skills to the rest of the class..i mean seriously..what's up with that? as such, i end my defence on why i and the rest of my class had difficulty. i rest my case.

Question 27

What do you like least about this subject? Explain why.(Type 'NIL' if none.)

the lecturer..please refer to question 26 on reasons why.

oh and the price of printing all our work. and to think we actually pay school fees.

Question 28

Any other suggestions (eg, syllabus, project consultation/feedback, studio equipments or any other specific learning needs, etc.)(Type 'NIL' if none.)

more photography sessions. and teach us, students how to use freehand and photoshop more before expecting us to come up with some amazing work. oh and did i mention more photography? a more efficient lecturer would be nice.

i'm not mean,
just strongly opinionated.
plus, i was already being nice.
imagine if i added get a real job in there..
Location: Singapore
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