Sunday, March 11, 2007

music & lyrics

i've been on a good movie spree lately. all the movies which i have watched thus far have been way past my expectations. as in seriously, i am a good judge when it comes to movies and i shall point out 2 examples. 300 and music&lyrics.

300 was pretty much excellent, think troy+lord of the rings+the gladiator all in 1 movie. the fight scenes were superb and full of action. love the way the spartans fought, using brains and bronze to fight instead of running at their enemies blindly. it was extremely captivating, well at least to me. so to those 18 and above, GO WATCH IT. to those below, get the DVD/VCD/DOWNLOAD IT and watch it cause it seriously kicks ass, literally.

music&lyrics, comedy and romance. well this is sort of my favourite kinda movies to watch. call me gay or whatever, but i live for comedy and i had various good laughs throughout the movie. it was witty and smart, for hugh grant at least. the british accent made it even funnier. as the movie name states, its about song writing and i must say, the songs in the movie were really good. coming from me, yeah it's really good. so take so time off and go watch it. there's a really hot babe called haley berrett in the movie..haha yeah.

so to some it up
1 week
2 movies
2 great movies
2 great asfhjhgadojpog movies
2 great soundtracks, which i might consider buying

alright john has to stop going out because he's broke and he doesn't like being broke and he needs a job soon..any recommenders?
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